French Parliamentary delegation received at Unity Palace

The Head of State His Excellency Paul BIYA received a group of French Parliamentarians led by André SCHNEIDER on Thursday 5 June 2014.

After the audience that lasted over one hour, André SCHNEIDER, on behalf of all his colleagues, declared that the audience was exceptionally cordial. Referring to the duration of their discussions, he affirmed that the France-Cameroon friendship parliamentary group has never before been given such high consideration.

He revealed that the discussions with the Head of State were centred on the functioning of institutions, security, the financing of infrastructure projects and the improvement of the living conditions in our country. The Head of the French parliamentary delegation promised to sensitise their colleagues and their Government on these preoccupations.

The French parliamentary delegation was accompanied to Unity Palace by Bernard NDONGO ESSOMBA, President of the France-Cameroon friendship group in the National Assembly of Cameroon.

The French parliamentarians all received souvenir gifts from President Paul BIYA, consisting of medals of the Fiftieth Anniversaries of the Independence and Reunification of Cameroon.