
During a happy moment of re-union with freed French hostages at Unity Palace on 19 April 2013, Mr. Laurent FABIUS, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs praised the “discrete and efficient” negotiations led by the President of the Republic His Excellency Paul BIYA that led to the freeing of the seven French hostages taken two months ago in the Far North Region

The evening ceremony at Unity Palace was full of calm happiness and relief for all those concerned. The French hostages arrived Unity Palace with the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, dispatched to Yaoundé by French President François HOLLANDE to take them back to their motherland. After a brief audience with the Head of State, the President took them to the ceremonial room for some special statements to mark the occasion.

President Paul BIYA declared his happiness for the good ending to this tragic incident which had brought pain to all the citizens of the country. He thanked the hostages for their courage and determination which had enabled them to endure the ordeal. He also was hopeful the French company for whom they served in Cameroon, SUEZ, will continue its activities in the country.

The French Foreign Minister expressed the total joy of his country and that of President François HOLLANDE, who once more sent a message of gratitude to the President of the republic for his timely intervention in the matter. He said that the freeing of the French hostages was a moment of life and hope for all French people the world over.

For his part, the President General of SUEZ reaffirmed the commitment of his company to do business in Cameroon and said this incidence only reinforces his ties to the country. Mr. Tanguy MOULIN-FOURNIER also expressed his thanks to the President of the Republic and promised that he and his family will continue to live in Cameroon.

The event was crowned with some intimate discussions between the hostages and President Paul BIYA and his wife, Madam Chantal BIYA, who paid very keen attention on the wife of the hostage, who was kidnapped alongside her husband and their four children.