The Cameroon Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) is a parastatal institution with legal personality and financial autonomy with headquarters in Douala. CIPA fall under the technical supervisory authority of the Ministry in charge of the Promotion of Private Investments and the financial supervisory authority of the Ministry of Finance...


CIPA'S mission, in collaboration with other authorities, as well as other public and private bodies, is to contribute to the development and implementation of government policy in the field of investments promotion in Cameroon.

As such, its responsibilities include:

•promoting the image of Cameroon abroad; 

•participating in the improvement of an enabling environment for investments in Cameroon; 

•proposing measures to attract investors in Cameroon as well as improving the implementation of sectoral codes; 

•establishing a database of projects for potential investors;


ClPA equally offers the following services to investors:

•reception, assistance and guidance of foreign and domestic investors at all stages involved in setting up their investment projects; 

•receiving and examining application files for approval under one of the schedules of the Investment Charter and the structuring projects schedule established by the General Tax Code; 

•obtaining the necessary visas for expatriate staff related to the• execution of their investment programs and for the stay of their foreign personnel in Cameroon; 

•assisting approved companies at all the necessary stages related to carrying out of their investment programs; 

•establishing, in collaboration with the relevant technical services, simplified administrative procedures for activities approved under the investment code; 

•ensuring the follow-up, monitoring and implementation of commitments made by approved companies.



Tél. : (+237) 222 21 87 12
          (+237) 699 99 45 85
          (+237) 673 78 42 78
Email : ebevina@yahoo.frThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / nathiebeyala@gmail.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.