Form of withdrawal and transfer of authority from Bakassi to Cameroon
Le document de retrait et de transfert d'autorité de la presqu'île de Bakassi au Cameroun
Decree N°2013/234 of 18 July 2013 to regulate Legal and Court Notices
Décret N° 2013/225 du 8 juillet 2013 portant ratification de l'accord de vente à tempérament d'un montant de 960 000 dollars US, équivalent à 640 000 dinars islamiques, soit environ• 508 millions de FCFA, conclu le 8 mai 2013
Declaration of the Heads of State and Government of Central and West African States on Maritime Safety and Security in their common maritime domain
Code of conduct concerning the repression of piracy, armed robbery against ships, and illicit maritime activity in west and central Africa