Decree No. 2023/410 of 7 September 2023 to lay down the administrative and academic organization of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science of the University of Ngaoundere
Decree No. 2023/409 of 7 September 2023 to appoint members of the Board of Directors of the Advanced Institute of Public Management (AIPM)
Decree No. 2023/405 of 6 September 2023 to lay down the distribution of the Common Decentralization Fund for the 2023 financial year
"Le Temps des Opportunités", No.75 - June - August 2023
Circular No. 2023/001 of 30 August 2023 relating to the preparation of the State budget for the 2024 financial year
Decree No. 2023/387 of 30 August 2023 to transform the Consulate of the Republic of Cameroon at Ouesso, Republic of Congo, into a General Consulate
Decree No. 2023/386 of 30 August 2023 to appoint officials in some universities
Decree No. 2023/385 of 30 August 2023 to appoint officials in some Universities
Decree No. 2023/384 of 30 August 2023 to appoint the Rector of the University of Ngaoundere
Decree No. 2023/383 of 30 August 2023 to appoint the Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the University of Ngaoundere