Decree No. 2023/330 of 04 August 2023 to ratify the Loan Agreement for the implementation of the Presidential Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the North-West and South-West Regions
Decree No. 2023/329 of 04 August 2023 to authorize a Loan Agreement to finance the Ebolowa-Akom 11-Kribi Road Construction Project
Decree No. 2023/327 of 03 August 2023 to appoint members of the Board Central Bureau for Censuses and Population Studies
Decree No. 2023/326 of 03 August 2023 to appoint members of the Steering Committee of the National Sports Facilities and Equipment Board (ONIES)
Decree No. 2023/325 of 03 August 2023 to appoint members of the Board of Directors of the National Observatory on Climate Change (NOCC)
Decree No. 2023/316 of 1st August 2023 to ratify the Air Transport Services Agreement between Cameroon and Algeria
Decree No. 2023/315 of 1st August 2023 to ratify the Framework Cooperation Agreement between Cameroon and Uruguay
Decree No. 2023/314 of 1st August 2023 to ratify the Bilateral Cooperation Agreement between Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea for the exploitation of cross-border oil and gas fields
Decree No. 2023/313 of 1st August 2023 to ratify the Defence Cooperation Agreement between Cameroon and Algeria
Decree No. 2023/312 of 1st August 2023 to ratify the Defence and Security Cooperation Framework Agreement between Cameroon and Egypt