
Arrêté N° 0499/CAB/PR du 24 juillet 2019 portant avancement d’échelon et promotion à titre exceptionnel de Monsieur Temga Gabriel (Mle 702 284-M), Gardien de la Paix Principal, au grade d’Inspecteur de Police Principal.

Arrêté N° 0498/CAB/PR du 24 juillet 2019 portant promotion à titre exceptionnel de Monsieur Ondja’a Jean Flaubert (Mle C-056 870), Inspecteur de Police de 1er grade, au grade d’Officier de Police de 1er grade.

Décret N° 2019/388 du 24 juillet 2019 portant promotion à titre exceptionnel de Monsieur Batheu Bleuriot (Mle 583 091-Q), Officier de Police, au grade de Commissaire de Police.

Law N° 2019/015 of 19 july 2019 to extend the term of office of Members of the National Assembly

Law N° 2019/014 of 19 july 2019 relating to the establishment, organization and functioning of th Cameroon Human Rights Commission

Law N° 2019/013 of 19 July 2019 to authorize the President of the Republic to proceed with Cameroon's accession to the agreement on the conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA), signed on 15 August 1996 at the Hague, The Netherlands

Law N° 2019/012 of 19 july 2019 to lay down the general framework for radiological and nuclear safety, nuclear security, civil liability and safeguards enforcement

Law N° 2019/011 of 19 July 2019 to authorize the President of the Republic to ratify the amendment to the Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, adopted in Kigali on 16 October 2016

Law N° 2019/010 of 19 July 2019 to authorize the President of the Republic to ratify the agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Zone (ACFTZ), signed on 21 March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda

Law N° 2019/009 of 19 July 2019 to ratify Ordinance No. 2019/1 of 29 May 2019 to amend and supplement certain provisions of Law No 2018/22 of 11 December 2018: Finance Law of the Republic of Cameroon for the 2019 financial year