The Head of State His Excellency Paul BIYA laid the foundation of the Lom Pangar Dam during a very colourful and hisotical ceremony on 3 August 2012. The dam is a major boost in the efforts of the Government to increase electricity production in the country.

The day will go down in history as one of the major accomplishments of the New Deal Government of President Paul BIYA. The turn out was massive, the mood was that of celebration and even the climate participated in yhe success of the ceremony, as there was bright sunshine to brighten the faces and lighten the hearts of those who were present.

The helicopter brining in the Head of State from Bertoua touched down at mid day. After receiving a bouquet of flowers from a young girl as a symbol of welcome, President Paul BIYA was greeted by the Governor of the East Region, Mr. IVAHA DIBOUA, the Seniour Divisional Officer for Lom and Djerem, Mr. Peter MBU, and the Mayor of Belabo, Mr. ESSOUKA GOMONE.

After military honours, the Head of took up his seat at the grand stand that already full of invitees. The welcome speech was read by the mayor of Belabo, Mr. ESSOUKA GOMONE, followed by another speech read by Mr. Bernard WONGOLO, on behalf of the elite of the East Region. The two of thanked the Head of State for comimg in person to lay the foundation stone of the dam and for the several things he has done for the East Region, including the Ayos – Bognis highway. They equally prayed the President of the Republic to do more for the East Region – the creation of a state University, more roads, hospitals, schools, etc.

In his speech, President Paul BIYA thanked the people of the East Region for the warm welcome and promised to see to it that their requests are examined within the possibilities of the state coffers. He equally thanked traditional leaders of the East for gifts that they presented to him during the ceremony and promised to keep up with their expectations. The Head of State emphazied on the need to improve electricity production so as to improve on the living standards of Cameroonians, provide power for industries that will create jobs and boost economic growth. He called on all Cameroonians to take up the challenge so that the country can move forward to modernity.

Prior to the occasion, the population of the East Region reserved a warm and hearty welcome to the Head of State His Excellency Paul BIYA to Bertoua on Thursday 2nd August 2012. The Presidential helicopter made touch down at the Bertoua airport shortly after 1 pm. The Head of State was greeted by the Governor of the East Region, Mr. IVAHA DIBOUA, the Seniour Divisional Officer of Lom and Djerem, Mr. Peter MBU and the Government Delegate to the Bertoua Urban Council, Mr. Dieudonne SAMBA. 

The President then had military honours, as he reviewed a guard of honour and saluted the flag while the band of the Presidential Guard executed the national anthem. This solemn ceremony was immediately followed by the greeting of the constituted corps of the East Region and some entusiastic elite who made it to the airport.

President Paul BIYA had a moment of communion with the population of the East Region as he went round the grounds to greet the crowds, who erupted in cheers and jubilation as they saw the father of the nation. This popular expression of joy was the mark of welcome reserved for the Head of State by the population of the East Region.