Speech by H.E. Paul BIYA during the Presentation of the France-Cameroon Memorial Commission's Report
- Distinguished Ministers;
- The Minister Delegate in charge of La Francophonie and International Partnerships;
- Ambassadors;
- The Co-Chairpersons of the Joint Commission on France’s Role and Commitment in the Fight against Independence and Opposition Movements in Cameroon from 1945 to 1971;
- Dear Members of the Memory Commission;
- Ladies and Gentlemen,
After the ceremony at the Elysée Palace held on Tuesday, 21 January 2025, at which the "Memory Commission" presented the summary of its findings to the President of the French Republic, I am delighted to welcome you, in turn, here at Unity Palace, for a similar ceremony.
I would like to begin by pointing out that when, in July 2022, we decided to set up this Franco-Cameroonian Commission, our aim was to break a decades-old taboo, and for the France-Cameroon relationship to develop in new ways.
It should be recalled that in 1987 in my book entitled Communal Liberalism, I stated that: "The independence of our country was hard-won by many worthy children from this land. Their works have been recognized and officially rehabilitated. The independence of our country was snatched from the colonial powers through fierce battles, led at the time by combatants. Their common denominator was love of Fatherland. It is up to our historians to give an objective and unbiased account of what the decolonization process of our country was like.”
I went on to state that: " It is up to our councils to honour the memory of those who fought for our independence and reunification.”
I know that many of my compatriots recount the stories of the 1945 to 1971 period of the history of Cameroon with much concealed emotion, sadness and fear.
That is why I avail myself of this opportunity to commend the sense of duty, courage, self-sacrifice and tenacity of the co-chairpersons of the "Memory Commission", namely historian Karine Ramondi and artiste Blick Bassy.
At this juncture, I would like to specify that the co-chairpersons and the 12 other members of the "Memory Commission" were selected, beyond their nationalities, by virtue of their quality, their free mindedness and their passion for research in history.
Yes, Ms Ramondi and Mr Bassy, your work has raised you to the status of indispensable players in this new order in France-Africa relations, asserted and desired as a vehement demand of a youth and an African opinion resolved to impress their vision on world affairs.
In the same vein, may I commend your full commitment and extend my congratulations to all the other members of the Memory Commission.
You all have, together, conducted an extremely outstanding research and highly symbolic remembrance work to restore the authenticity of facts and accounts, to reveal the truth.
It is, ultimately, a collective therapy that leads people to better accept who they are and to take full responsibility for their actions in their relationships.
We had to come to this point and, together, admit this catharsis between France and Cameroon, two friendly countries with long-standing, multifarious and multifaceted relations.
Your work must be construed as a necessary first step that opens avenues for further research in the quest for truth.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Memory Commission has done something that will undoubtedly impact future generations, because it will allow them not only to understand their history, but also to better project themselves into the future.
It is now up to us, to teach and, above all, to propagate this meritorious co-construction between France and Cameroon, and to commit our future relations on a healthy basis, in a spirit free of misunderstandings and suspicions.
It is our duty to leverage the outcome of these fertile energies by developing processes for implementing the findings of this work, through, for instance, the elevation of memory sites and the adoption of new teaching curricula, as well as the creation of a monitoring committee for better ownership.
Accordingly, it is up to our two countries to foster scientific research in this field of study, to build and further deepen the knowledge of our common history.
Long live France-Cameroon friendship!
Thank you for your kind attenti