Law N°2012/008 of 16 July 2012 to authorize the President of the Republic to ratify the Air Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Cameroon and the Government of the People's Republic of China relating to the establishment of air services between and beyond their respective territories, signed in Beijing on 21 April 2011.

The National Assembly deliberated and adopted,

The President of the Republic hereby enacts the law set out below:

Section 1 : The President of the Republic is hereby authorized to ratify the Air Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Cameroon and the Government of the People's Republic of China relating to the establishment of air services between and beyond their respective territories, signed in Beijing on 21 April 2011.

Section 2: This law shall be registered, published according to the procedure of urgency and inserted in the Official Gazette in English and French.

 Yaounde, 16 July 2012

President of the Republic 

(e) Paul BIYA