Bulletin No.64 of the bilingual newsletter of the Civil Cabinet, "Le Temps des Opportunités"
Decree No. 2020/556 of 14 September 2020 to Ratify a Loan Agreement for the Partial Financing of the Olama-Kribi Road Construction Project
Decree No.2020/554 of 11 September 2020 to appoint the Director-General of the National Supply Centre for Essential Drugs and Consumables (CENAME)
Decree No.2020/553 of 11 September 2020 to appoint the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the National Supply Centre for Essential Drugs and Consumables (CENAME)
Decree No.2020/552 of 11 September 2020 to appoint an Ambassador
Decree No.2020/549 of 09 September 2020 to appoint Subdivisional Officers
Decree No.2020/548 of 09 September 2020 to appoint a High Commissioner.
Decree No.2020/547 of 07 September 2020 to convene the electoral colleges for the election of Regional Councillors
Decree No. 2020/531 of 3 September 2020 to authorise a Loan Agreement for the Rehabilitation and Extension of the Capacity of the Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution System for Buea, Tiko and Mutenguene
Decree No. 2020/530 of 3 September 2020 to authorise a Loan Agreement for Phase II of the Agricultural Sector Development Support Project (ASDSP)