It was bright and sunny on Thursday 13 June 2024 when Cameroon’s First Lady Madam Chantal BIYA arrived at “Les Coccinelles” school complex of the Unity Palace for the closing ceremony of the 2023/2024 academic year. All expected dignitaries were present to give the wife of the President of the Republic a befitting welcome: the Minister of Basic Education, Professor Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa, and a host of other Government Ministers and the local administration of the Ministry of Basic Education.

Madam Chantal received a bouquet from one of the pupils before the entire school community executed the national anthem. This solemn moment was followed by the reading of the welcome address of the Head Teacher of the school, Mr Guillaume Mpouenanga, who hailed the First Lady for setting up the school and constantly paying attention to the smooth running of the institution.

The next phase of the ceremony was devoted to various displays by the pupils. Songs, ballet, flute, recitations, and a sketch were all served out to the invitees, who joined the First Lady in clapping for the children and encouraging them with cheers. A moment of joyful communion with the founding mother of their school. This was followed by the award of gifts to the meritorious pupils.

The First Lady later visited all their classrooms where she saw samples of the work done by the pupils. A hectic reception was served to all the invitees and pupils, to ensure that the body and soul were properly taken care of. The First Lady went home visibly very satisfied after gracing the ceremony with her radiant and jubilant presence.