At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea His Excellency Teodoro OBIANG NUEMA MBASOGO, the President of the Republic His Excellency Paul BIYA and his wife Mrs. Chantal BIYA left Yaoundé this morning for Malabo where he will be attending the summit of the African Union that will be centred around agriculture and food security.

The Head of State was accompanied by a delegation consisting of the following personalities:

-Pierre MOKOKO MBONJO, Minister of External Relations;

-Martin BELINGA EBOUTOU, Minister, Director of the Civil Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic;

-ESSIMI MENYE, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development;

-Paul ATANGA NJI, Minister in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency of the Republic;

-Rear Admiral Joseph FOUDA, Special Adviser at the Presidency of the Republic;

-Narcisse MOELLE KOMBI, Special Adviser at the Presidency of the Republic;

-Lazare MPOUEL BALA, Cameroon’s Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea;

-Jacques Alfred NDOUMBE EBOULE, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Cameroon at the African Union;

-Simon Pierre BIKELE, Chief of State Protocol.