The fifty second edition of the national day of Cameroon was celebrated all over the national territory today 20th May 2024, with the Head of State, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, His Excellency Paul BIYA, gracing the colourful and magnificent military and civilian march past in the nation’s capital, Yaounde. The entire State apparatus was present at the occasion, with the President of the Senate Marcel NIAT NJIFENJI, the Speaker of the National Assembly the Rt. Honourable CAVAYE YEGUIE DJIBRIL, the Prime Minister Chief Dr. DION NGUTE and other dignitaries flanking the President of the Republic on the grand stand. The First Lady Madam Chantal BIYA was firmly seated by her husband to give him all the necessary support.

The military parade was led by Brigadier General MELINGUI NOUMA DONATIEN, who is the Inspector of Forces at the Defence Staff, and was seconded in this noble task by Colonel SAIDOU ABBA. The band of the General Delegation for National Security, also known as the Police Band, executed in very meticulous manner the opening display which preceded the military parade. Then followed the music of the Presidential Guard which ushered in the first troops.

A contingent of the friendly and brotherly army of Equatorial Guinea were the special military guests this year. They set the tone and all the marching soldiers put up their best show; the Presidential Guard, the National Gendarmerie, the Army, the BIR, the Air Force, the Marines, the Police, the Customs, the Fire Brigade, to name but these.

The second segment of the military parade was the motorised march past with horses, bikes, cars, buses and tanks of all sizes and shapes. There was also specialised equipment from the marines. The air force was present throughout the whole ceremony with overhead flies by helicopters and jet planes. Very colourful indeed.

The civilian march past was the participation of school children and political parties. The ruling party, the CPDM, had the most prominent display with their large numbers and bright colours that hailed the Head of State for the Peace and Unity in Cameroon.

Festivities continue at Unity Palace where the President of the Republic and Madam Chantal BIYA will be hosting over three thousand guests for a state dinner. Another moment for Cameroonians to share together in harmony and celebrate the peace and unity of our country.