President Paul BIYA arrives Paris for the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games

President Paul BIYA arrives Paris for the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games

The Head of State His Excellency Paul BIYA and First Lady Mrs. Chantal BIYA arrived Paris the evening of the...

President Paul BIYA to Attend Opening Ceremony of Paris Olympic Games

President Paul BIYA to Attend Opening Ceremony of Paris Olympic Games

At the invitation of His Excellency Emmanuel MACRON, President of the French Republic and Mr Thomas BACH, Pr...

President Paul BIYA presides over national day celebrations in Yaounde

President Paul BIYA presides over national day celebrations in Yaounde

The fifty second edition of the national day of Cameroon was celebrated all over the national territory toda...

Three Chadian Ministers at Unity Palace

Three Chadian Ministers at Unity Palace

The President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA received in audience a three-man delegation from Nâ€...

Chad’s Mahamat Assouyouti Abakar at Unity Palace

Chad’s Mahamat Assouyouti Abakar at Unity Palace

The reinforcement of the longstanding and excellent cooperation ties that exist between Cameroon and Chad, a...

President Paul BIYA receives Chinese Vice Premier Liu Guozhong

President Paul BIYA receives Chinese Vice Premier Liu Guozhong

His Excellency Liu Guozhong, Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China and Special Representative of...

British and Central African Republic Emissaries at Unity Palace

British and Central African Republic Emissaries at Unity Palace

The President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA, granted two separate audiences at Unity Palace on 1...

President Paul BIYA discusses ‘Promotion of Dialogue’ with Outgoing Japanese Ambassador

President Paul BIYA discusses ‘Promotion of Dialogue’ with Outgoing Japanese Ambassador

The reinforcement of communication channels between States was at the centre of discussions between the Pres...
