The President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA and H.E. Stephane Doppagne – the outgoing Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium – made a general overview of diplomatic ties during a farewell audience at the Unity Palace on 15 July 2020.
The President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA and H.E. Stephane Doppagne – the outgoing Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium – made a general overview of diplomatic ties during a farewell audience at the Unity Palace on 15 July 2020.
The Head of State His Excellency Paul BIYA granted a farewell audience to Ambassador Henry Peter Barlerin at the Unity Palace on 14 July 2020.
President Paul BIYA granted two audiences at the Unity Palace on 5 June 2020 to His Excellency Christophe Guilhou – the Ambassador of the Republic of France to Cameroon, and H.E. Bok-Ryeol Rhyou – the outgoing Ambassador of the Republic of South Korea.
The health crisis caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and its impact on the economies of Member States of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) were reviewed on 2 July 2020 at the Unity Palace.
The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa, Mr François Louncény Fall was received in audience at the Unity Palace on 13 May 2020 by the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA.