The President of the Republic His Excellency Paul BIYA and former French Minister Jean-Louis BORLOO have been discussing ways to boost energy production in Cameroon and Africa during an audience granted to him by President Paul BIYA at Unity Palace on Wednesday 27 May 2015.

Speaking to reporters after discussions with the Head of State that lasted nearly one hour, Jean-Louis BORLOO expressed his appreciation of President Paul BIYA who pays a lot of attention to issues of development and the environment. The former French Minister declared that their discussions dwelt mainly on the production of electricity in Cameroon and Africa, where there is an abundance of sustainable energy, like hydroelectricity, solar and wind energy. He praised the Cameroonian authorities for the massive electricity projects that are currently being carried out in the country.

It should be recalled that Jean-Louis BORLOO launched a foundation earlier this year in Paris with the objective to promote the production of electricity in Africa, with the objective of increasing access to electricity from 25% to 90% by 2025, at a cost of 200 billion US Dollars. The foundation to be based in Africa, should work with state, regional and local entities to enable the setting up of production units at all levels so as to minimise the cost of production and to put to full use the potential for green energy that is widely available in all parts of Africa.