The President of the Republic His Excellency Paul BIYA met with Mario de ZAMAROCZY, the leader of the IMF delegation during an audience at Unity Palace on Wednesday 8 May 2014. The team has been in Cameroon since 24th April 2014 and they came to Unity Palace for discussions with the Head of State at the end of their mission in Cameroon.

Speaking to the press at the end of the audience, the IMF official spelt out his optimism about the economy of Cameroon, which grew by 5.5% in 2013. Mario de ZAMAROCZY appreciated the fact that the inflation rate of Cameroon has been kept in check, and that construction work on the major economic projects envisaged by the Head of State has started.

The international pointed out that the Government had a problem matching their revenue with expenditure. This has led to a situation, he said, where most of the population do not feel the impact of the economic growth. He therefore called on the Government to henceforth make the economic growth more inclusive.